Team B.OSS

B.OSS - officers

Karolien Benoit
Marie Coussens

B.OSS scientific committee

Caroline Daelemans - CEpiP
Charlotte Leroy - CEpiP
Frédéric Chantraine -  CEpiP
Frédéric Debiève - CepiP, College of Mother and Newborn
Griet Vandenberghe
Julie Vanalbada - CRGOLFB
Koen Traen - VVOG
Kristien Roelens - College of Mother and Newborn, SPE
Leen Verleye - KCE
Maxime Fastrez - CRGOLFB
Michel Boulvain - UZ Brussel
Monika Lauback - SPE
Pierre Bernard - CRGOLFB
Régine Goemaes - SPE
Roland Devlieger - SPE, College of Mother and Newborn
Laura Cornelissen - Sciensano
Virginie Van Leeuw - CEpiP

B.OSS responsible at SPE

Régine Goemaes

B.OSS responsible at CEpiP

Charlotte Leroy

Antental Pulmonary Embolism

Laura Werquin

Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy

Audrey Francinetti / Amandine De Monie
Laura De Luca / Valentina Sala / Maryam Lamhadi

COVID-19 in Pregnancy

An Vercoutere
Valeria Fino

Surgical Complications in Pregnancy of Bariatric Surgery

Paulien Demulder

Re-exploration after Caesarean Section

Margheret Smalaj and Dorien Auman

General anaesthesia for Caesarean Section

Margaux Leonard, Laura Dewulf, Gabriela Guyda, Emilia François
Martin Glibert, Julien Charlier, Anke Geerts