Vacancy expert EM physician

BAMM is looking for experts in EM with an interest in obstetrical care. We explain more in detail what is expected from the national experts and the methodology.


BAMM: Belgian Analysis system for Maternal Mortality: a project supported by the FOD and launched since January 2021
15 maternal deaths per year
Involvement in the National Expert ‘assessment’ of maternal deaths (see timeline):
  • Core experts in the National Expert team: 4 obs/gynaecologists, 4 midwifes, 2 anaesthetists.
  • Besides other ‘experts’ based on the case (cardiologists, infectiologists, psychiatrists, hematologists, IC specialists and EM physicians)
  • 2 EM physicians per case of maternal death + extra EM physicians as back-up (in case of ‘conflict of interest’, in case of non-availability). Thus: 8 (senior) EM physicians, eventually with special interest in obstetrics. Flemish, Bxl/Wallonia
  • ‘nominated’ as BAMM experts for a period of 3 years
  • At most 15 cases of maternal deaths per year. EM physicians will only be involved when this is considered appropriate based on the cause of death and history of the patient.
  • Two to three times per year they will be invited to a live meeting with all national expert team members around the table, to assess the cases. 
  • Before the live meeting, they will be invited to ‘assess’ the case online.
  • Experts will have access to ‘pseudonomised’ case notes, and will be asked to
    • identify the underlying causes of the death
    • give their opinion on statements on contributing factors in the maternal death (a Likert scale)
    • formulate recommendations
  • During the live meeting, a second (briefer) online round will follow, with adopted questions (based on a Delphi methodology) in search for consensus between the experts.
  • They must sign a statement of confidentiality for 3 years
  • They must sign a declaration of potential conflict of interest
  • We will replace the half-day course, organised by the FOD, on incident analysis, by a shorter online presentation.
  • This work is on a voluntary basis, they will only receive the honor to be part of this nominated national expert team